5 Tips for You and Your Pet to Beat the Blue Monday Blues!
Written by Rianne |
Today is Blue Monday, often considered the most depressing day of the year. But we prefer to look on the bright side and have just the solution to turn this day around! Here are some tips to help you get through Blue Monday – together with your pet!

Have Fun!
Plan a fun activity to enjoy with your pet today. Try playing hide-and-seek – most animals have excellent sniffing skills! Even small pets can join in the fun. Build a maze for your rodent using LEGO bricks or other household items, and hide some treats as a reward. A dog puzzle or interactive cat toy is also a great way to entertain your furry friend!
Extra Cuddles!
Let’s be honest – is there anything better than a warm cuddle from your pet? When you pet and cuddle your furry friend, your body releases oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress and creates a calming, happy feeling. And that’s exactly what we need today!
Our pets, big or small, are always there for us – they never judge, offer companionship, and are incredibly loyal. Feeling a little down? Give your furry friend a big hug and feel the power of unconditional love!
Get Outside
Who doesn’t feel refreshed after a lovely walk? A bit of fresh air can work wonders for your mood! Head to the beach, take a lunch break walk with the office dog, or finally go on that forest walk you’ve been meaning to take.
Don’t forget to call a good friend to join you – together, you can enjoy nature and say: “Blue Monday? What’s that?!”
Binge Your Favourite Netflix Show
Stock up on snacks, grab a cosy blanket, and relax on the sofa with a great film or series (preferably one starring a four-legged friend, of course!).
There’s nothing better than snuggling up on the couch and letting your mind drift. Will you go for an interesting documentary or a feel-good comedy? The choice is yours!
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