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  • Product Description


    Aside from flies in the flies in the pasture being annoying, they can also transmit diseases to the cattle. The transparent ear strips from Auriplak combat flies and ceratopogonidae in a safe and simple manner. The protective strips are effective in bovines all season (4 months). Virbac Auriplak is easy to stick to the ear tags. The ear plates protect your cattle from all common flies in the pasture, including head flies (Hydrotaea irritans) and horn flies (Haematobia irritans).

    You can use the Attachatag arrow with slot to attach the ear strip to the ear tag. Please note: The ear strips and arrow are sold separately.[/p]

    Key benefits

    • No dip in activity
    • Weather conditions do not affect the effectiveness of this product
    • Both for young cattle and dairy cows

    Active substance


    Waiting time


    The packaging leaflet contains an explanation about the exact attachment method of the Attachatag Arrow and the transparent Auriplak.

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