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American Curl
The American Curl is a rare breed that’s characterised by curled ears. It’s an affectionate and sensitive breed that gets pretty attached to its human. The playful and active American Curl needs enough space to move around in. Their coat doesn’t need a lot of care.

American Curls are cats with a balanced personality. They are enterprising, playful and easy-going: they are good with other cats and dogs and love kids. They get very attached to their human(s). The American Curl is an affectionate and sensitive breed that needs a lot of freedom to move around. They barely meow.
American Curls are allowed in all colours.
Body, legs and tail
The body of the American Curl is partly oriental, meaning the body length is 1.5 times the height of the withers. The legs are in proportion to the body, with slightly shorter front legs. The legs are muscular and straight, with round paws. The tail is just as long as the body. The tail is broad at the base and tapers to a round tip.
Head, ears and eyes
The American Curl has an averagely sized head that’s a little longer than it’s wide.  The nose is straight and the chin is strong. The curled ears are the most notable characteristic of the American curl: the ears curl towards the back of the head. The ears are of average size, broad at the base and with blunt tips. The walnut-shaped eyes are big and set wide apart. The eye colour is rich, uniform and isn’t dependent on the colour of the coat.
The coat should be semi-long or short, it has a fine and silky feel. The American Curl doesn’t have much undercoat.