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The California Spangled

The California Spangled is an active and playful cat that loves to hunt! American Paul Casey, a Hollywood screenwriter, created this special breed intending to breed a cat that has the character of a domestic cat but strongly resembles a leopard. This striking cat loves to play, climb and run. A spacious living environment is preferred by the California spangled. The breed is quite rare in Europe.

california spangled


Country of origin: United States
Body build: Long and muscular body.
Weight: 4-8 kg
Height: -


The California Spangled is a social animal that gets along with other cats. This cat breed likes to lead a playful and active life. This makes them perfect hunters! Because of their energetic lifestyle, they must have plenty of room so they can go on adventures and satisfy their hunting instincts. If the California Spangled is kept as a house cat, you must provide plenty of toys and entertainment. A good scratching post or shelf is certainly not an unnecessary luxury. This lively cat is very affectionate but also quite sensitive.

Physical Characteristics

The California Spangled is known for its beautiful leopard print, but this cat is especially characterized by its long, angular shape. This ensures that the California Spangled can move smoothly. The California Spangled has a spotted pattern with a clear contrasting colour.


The California Spangled can have different colours, such as black, brown, bronze, charcoal, gold and black/silver. These colours always have amber or brown eyes. There are also red and blue spotted versions of this cat breed. These should always have grey/brown eyes. A California Spangled can also come in a snow variant. This cat always has blue eyes.

Body, paws and tail

The California Spangled is characterized by a long and muscular body. This cat has a strong bone structure. The California Spangled has long strong legs. The front legs form an almost 90-degree angle. This gives the California Spangled a wild look because he always walks low to the ground. The tail is quite long and has a lot of hair. The thickness of the tail remains the same and has a pattern with rings.

Head, ears and eyes

A clear characteristic of the California Spangled is the protruding cheekbones. The breed also has a medium-length snout with a strong chin and jaws. The ears of the California Spangled sit high on the head. The eyes of this breed are relatively far apart and have an almond shape. The colour of the eyes goes together with the colour of the coat.


The California Spangled has a short-haired coat that doesn’t need much care. Only the belly and the tail of this cat are hairier. Stripes or marbled markings are not allowed in this cat breed.