

The Ceylon was first discovered in 1984 when Dr. Paolo Pellegatta brought six of these cats to Italy. The breed originates from Sri Lanka, which used to be known as Ceylon. The breed isn’t recognised in the UK and many other countries.



Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Body build: Compact with round chest, fine bones and well-developed muscles.
Weight: 3 - 6 kg
Height: -


Ceylons are social cats that are both self-assured and affectionate. They are excellent inside cats and their coat is easy to care for.



Ceylon cats exist in several colours, from sable to golden. Sable is a very dark brown colour, whereas golden is a warm, golden brown.

Body, legs and tail

The Ceylon has a compact body with a rounded chest. They have fine bones and well-developed muscles. Their tail is fairly short, wide at the base and tapers into a blunt tip. Finally, their legs are of medium length with slightly longer hind legs. Their paws are rounded.

Head, ears and eyes

The head of the Ceylon is of medium size. The skull is slightly rounded with a flat forehead. They have round cheeks and a short nose. Their medium-sized ears are set high on the head and close together. The ears are quite broad with blunted tips with lynx tips. Their eyes are fairly big and slightly slanted, with a dark ring and usually coloured yellow / green.


The Ceylon has a short, fine coat with a satiny feel. They barely have an undercoat. Their coat has several patterns, like a ticked pattern on the chest, sides and back. Their cheeks usually sport 2 or 3 lines and their forehead has cobra markings.