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Devon Rex

Affectionate, lively and cheerful: The Devon Rex is a real active cat. The medium-sized cat needs a lot of attention. He likes to have company around him, preferably people and other cats. He doesn’t like being alone. The Devon Rex is a great indoor cat; his short, curly coat is very sensitive to sunlight and cold. The coat care is very simple.

devon rex


Country of origin: Great Britain
Body build: medium-sized body of an average height
Weight: 2.5-4 kg.
Height: -


The Devon Rex is a true acrobat. This playful and lively cat is very active. The cheerful Devon Rex, despite his independent nature, gets along very well with other dogs and cats. Being alone is not his forte. The affectionate cat has a sensitive character and likes to be with its owner. Because of his fine, short curled coat he is very sensitive to cold and sunlight; the Devon Rex thrives as an indoor cat. He has a soft and humble voice.

Appearance characteristics

All colours and patterns are allowed.

Body, legs and tail

The Devon Rex has a medium-sized body of an average height. The chest is wide. The muscles are firm. This breed has long, thin legs, with the hind legs longer than the front legs. Bones are fine to medium with strong muscles. The feet are small and oval. The Devon Rex has a long tail that is tapered and covered in short hairs.

Head, ears and eyes

The Devon Rex’s head is quite small, wedge-shaped, angular and short. The skull is flat with a convex forehead. The cheeks are full and the cheekbones stick out. The muzzle and nose are short. The chin is strong. The Devon Rex’s whiskers and eyebrows are curly, quite wiry and of medium length. This cat breed has very large ears that are wide at the base. The ears are cone-shaped and have rounded tips. The ears are covered with fine hair on the outside. The tips of the Devon Rex’s ears are covered with tufts of hair, known as Lynx tips. Devon Rexes have large, oval eyes that are set far apart. They are slightly slanted towards the outer edge of the ear. The ears produce a lot of earwax. The eye colour is shiny, clear and pure and in harmony with the colour of the coat.


The Devon Rex is characterized by its wrinkled, wavy coat. The short, fine coat looks a bit messy, like that of a poodle or sheep. Some Devon Rexes have downy hairs on the abdomen. The fur grows slowly. The cat hardly sheds but must be washed regularly because it perspires. Weekly brushing is sufficient.