

The Ocicat is an active, playful and curious cat. This cat needs a lot of space to get rid of its energy. The Ocicat doesn’t enjoy being left alone or being enclosed. They are very focussed on their humans, but can be a little too cocky towards other cats. Their coat doesn’t need a lot of care.



Country of origin: USA
Body build: big, long and powerful
Weight: 2.5 - 6 kg
Height: -


The Ocicat is an active, playful and curious cat. In spite of his predator-like appearance, it’s a very social and friendly cat. He’s patient towards children, but can be quite dominant towards other cats. The Ocicat is very attached to his human and does not like being alone. This loyal cat is quick to adapt to new surroundings and his coat only requires an occasional brushing.



The spots of the Ocicat should be black, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac or sand on a lighter base colour. These colours can also have silver hue. The face, chin and lower jaw have the lightest colour.

Body, legs and tail

Ocicats have a big, long body. Though Ocicats are powerful, they aren’t massive. Their bones and muscles are well-developed. Their sturdy and muscled legs are of average length. The paws are compact and oval-shaped. Their long tail is fairly thin.

Head, ears and eyes

The head of Ocicats is slightly triangular, just as wide as it is long and has rounded angles. Male cats may have full cheeks. The well-developed nose is broad and a little square. The chin is strong. Ocicats have fairly big ears that are set wide apart. The ears are alert and follow the shapes of the head. Lynx tips are appreciated. The big eyes are almond-shaped and slightly slanted. The space between the eyes should easily fit another eye. All eye colours are allowed, except for blue, unless the cat is colourpoint. The eye colour should be uniform and fierce. The colour doesn’t have to be in harmony with the coat colour.


The Ocicat has a short, shiny and satiny coat that is smooth to the touch.