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Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair is an active, extrovert and playful cat. This cat also has a very sensitive character. This cat breed is very focused on its owner and can even be a bit possessive. The Oriental Shorthair doesn’t like to be alone. He needs to be in the presence of another similar cat or his owner.

oriental shorthair


Country of origin: Thailand
Also known as: -
Body build: Medium-sized body, slender and long
Weight: 4 - 6,5 kg
Height: -
Health risks: -


The Oriental Shorthair is a very active and extroverted cat breed. This cat does not like being alone at all and likes to play. In addition, this cat is very proud. It can even be a bit possessive towards its owner. Furthermore, this cat breed has a real instinct to hunt, so it likes to chase things. Finally, the Oriental Shorthair is a very talkative cat. He has a powerful voice that you can easily recognize.



The Oriental Shorthair comes in different colours and markings:

  • Plain: With a plain coat, the colours white, black, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn are common.
  • Tortie coat: The bottom of the hair has no colour, also called smoke and silver.
  • Tabby coat: The coat of the cat has a kind of marble look, also called blotched. This marking is characterized by broad stripes on the coat.
  • Mackerel coat: This is also called a tiger coat. These are narrow stripes perpendicular to the spine..
  • Spotted coat: This marking is characterized by round spots which are evenly distributed over the body. When an Oriental Shorthair has this marking, he is often confused with the Egyptian Mau.
  • Ticked coat: The cat has an even agouti coat.

Body, legs and tail

The Oriental Shorthair has a medium-sized body. The body is slender and long. This cat breed has a very elegant appearance. The legs are also long. The front legs are slightly shorter. The tail of the Oriental Shorthair is also thin and long.

Head, ears and eyes

The Oriental Shorthair has a triangular and long head. The eyes are very slanted and have an almond shape. The colour of the eyes is green (emerald green or jade green). A white cat has blue eyes. The red or cream coloured cats can also have copper or yellow eyes. The ears are usually very large.


The coat of the Oriental Shorthair is, as the name already says, short and very fine. The coat is very dense and lies flat on the skin. The coat care of this cat breed is very easy. Brushing once a week is enough.


The weight of an adult Oriental Shorthair lies between 4 and 6,5 kg.