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The Singapura is a highly social and curious cat. Its name already hints at its origins, as this little feline comes from Singapore. The Singapura loves attention and absolutely dislikes being alone. This breed has not yet been recognised by FIFe and remains extremely rare.

The Singapura is a well-balanced, curious, and social cat. It is very friendly and enjoys being petted for attention. This sensitive cat loves being stroked and receiving gentle head rubs. The Singapura has a soft voice and prefers to follow its owner around all day. It is also an excellent hunter, so providing stimulating toys is highly recommended for this breed.
Physical Characteristics
A Singapura has a ticked coat with at least four bands of colour ranging from dark brown to ivory. The belly, throat, and inner legs are antique ivory. This breed can also have a ticked tabby pattern, known as sepia agouti. The Singapura has a salmon-pink nose and brownish-pink paw pads. The inner ears have a salmon hue with ivory-coloured hairs. A dark stripe along the tail and back is allowed, and the tail tip may be a darker shade.
Body, Legs, and Tail
The Singapura is a small to medium-sized breed. Its compact body is well-built and muscular. Additionally, the Singapura is characterised by a slightly arched back.
Head, Ears, and Eyes
The Singapura has a small, rounded head with a short, broad muzzle. Full, rounded cheeks are only permitted in males. A distinctive feature of this breed is its prominent whisker pads. The Singapura’s ears are large and broad, tapering slightly to a point at the tips. Its large, almond-shaped eyes give it an endearing expression. The eyes are outlined in dark markings, and acceptable eye colours include green, gold, or copper.
The Singapura is a short-haired breed with fine, easy-to-maintain fur. Grooming is simple, requiring only a weekly brushing.