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The Sphynx is a naked cat with wrinkled skin and covered with fine hairs. In addition to regular washing, the skin should also be protected against cold and sunlight. The Sphynx is a very affectionate cat that needs a lot of attention. This cat does not like to be alone, so companions are desired. Sphynxes are very playful and lively.



Country of origin: North America
Body build: Medium-sized body with nice muscles
Weight: 3.5-7 kg.
Height: -


The Sphynx is a very loving and even somewhat possessive cat. He is playful, lively and a little mischievous. This breed loves peers, is sociable with dogs and never aggressive. The Sphynx is very comfortable in an apartment, as it is sensitive to outside influences such as cold, heat and humidity. To maintain its body temperature during the winter period, an energetic meal is a must. Sun protection is important to prevent burns. This cat breed requires regular bathing: unlike other cat breeds, the Sphynx perspires through the skin. The ears are also a point of attention, because of the production of excessive earwax.

Appearance characteristics


All markings and colours found in the Sphynx are allowed. White usually appears pink, while black is more likely to have a dark grey colour.

Body, legs and tail

The Sphynx has a medium-sized body and is nicely muscled. In addition, he has a very broad chest and a firmly rounded belly. The front legs of this breed are slightly curved and slightly shorter than the hind legs. The muscles are firm and well developed. The feet of the Sphynx are medium in size and oval with long toes. The soles of the feet are very thick. Sphynxes have a medium-long tail. Some cats have a tuft of hair on the end of their tail: a lion’s tail.

Head, ears and eyes

The head of the Sphynx is medium in size and quite triangular. The forehead is flat and has protruding cheekbones. The muzzle is very rounded, broad and short. Often only a few or even no whiskers are present. Sphynxes have a short nose and a firm chin. The eyes of this breed are large, lemon-shaped and set wide apart. The colour of the eyes is in harmony with that of the coat. The ears of the Sphynx are very conspicuous: they are very large and wide at the base. The inside is completely bare.


The structure of a Sphynx’s skin is reminiscent of chamois leather. The skin is wrinkled on the head, body and legs. Sphynxes are not completely hairless: the fur is limited to a fine layer on almost the entire body. You can also often find some hairs on the muzzle, tail and feet.