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A miniature tiger in your living room! A medium-sized cat who is intelligent and friendly. Like many cats, the Toyger is active and moves gracefully like a real tiger. With its long and muscular body, long tail, round ears, broad nose and powerful chin, it makes an appearance that reminds us of a real tiger! And, of course, the stripes cannot be missed on the Toyger. A sweet and sociable domestic cat that gets along well with people and other furry friends.



Country of origin: United States
Also known as: -
Body build: a medium-sized cat - Its body is generally somewhat longer and muscular.
Weight: between 5.5 and 10kg
Height: -
Health risks: -

Breed description Toyger

Breed origin: United States

The Toyger originated after a cypher cat was found with distinctive markings on its head. That cypher cat was used for breeding with a Bengal. Then another cat from India got involved that had remarkable spots between its ears. With several expert breeders, a breeding programme was set up to create a cat that closely matched the ideal image of a tiger.


The Toyger is a very intelligent cat. It is very playful and active; you can teach this wonderful cat various tricks, and it will love to walk alongside you on a leash. This cat can be very relaxed and easily adapts to living in a house. Toygers love company and are also very friendly to people and other pets.

External features Toyger


The Toygers is tabby brown, yet its pattern is strikingly different from other tabby patterns. The pattern stands out from the markings and the background colour. Usually, the coat is dark brown to orange/yellow, and the stripes would ideally be black but are generally dark tan to black. The belly is light in colour and will only get lighter as the cat ages.

Body, legs and tail

The Toyger is a medium-sized cat and, therefore, quite accessible in many households. Its body is generally somewhat longer and muscular. This breed’s build is made to suit its active nature. Its legs have a medium length. If you measure them from the ground to the junction of the body, it comes out to about the same length as the torso. Toygers have long and slim tails. At the end, the tip is blunt and round.

Head, ears and eyes

The Toyger’s head is medium to large and nicely proportioned to the rest of the body. Its shape is oval. Its snout is cylindrical and a bit longer; it sticks out a bit. The ears are round and on the narrow side; this suits the look of a real tiger very well. They are also a bit shorter and closer to the head. The ears are densely hairy. Toygers have medium-sized eyes and are almond-shaped. They are set far apart and somewhat at the back of the face, near the beginning of the ear.


Toygers have a soft, short and delicate coat. At the markings, the coat may be slightly longer as well as at the temples, cheeks and collar. The texture of the coat is somewhat lush, dense, delicate and incredibly soft. A lovely glitter over the coat makes the Toyger shine, although this is not always present.


The Toyger has a body weight of between 5.5 and 10kg.