Most cats do not immediately feel secure walking beside you on the ground. That’s why you should never take your cat outside on a walk without proper preparation—introduce it gradually.
How to Put on a Cat Harness
If your cat has never worn a harness before, it’s best to let it get used to it first. Start by allowing your cat to sniff the harness. If it seems comfortable with this, gently put the harness on your feline friend. If your cat resists, do not force it—set the harness aside and try again later. When your cat starts feeling more at ease, reward it with a treat. The key is to introduce the harness gradually.
Walking on a Leash
Stay indoors for now. Once your cat is comfortable wearing the harness, you can start practising walking on a leash together. If your cat takes a few steps with you, reward it immediately. Begin with short training sessions of just one to a few minutes and gradually increase the duration. Never pull on the leash if your cat does something you don’t want it to do. Instead, stop the session and reward your cat when it follows you again.
Going Outside!
For indoor cats that rarely or never go outside, the outdoors can be overwhelming. Start by walking in your own garden or taking your cat outside at a quiet time in your street. Open the door and allow your cat to slowly explore its surroundings. If this goes well, reward your feline friend. If your cat enjoys the experience, you can gradually extend your walks each day. As with everything, practice makes perfect!
Some cats simply have no interest in the outside world. If this is the case, keep your cat indoors and provide plenty of climbing and play opportunities instead.