
cdVet CasaCare UrineAttack

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  • Product Description

    cdVet CasaCare UrineAttack

    cdVet CasaCare UrineAttack is ideal for removing your dog or cat's unwanted odours and urine. The spray can be used in many ways and can also be used preventively.


    • Good for use in litter trays, places where there have been faeces and furniture that pets have urinated on.
    • Also works against odours and urine from dogs or cats on carpet, wood, tiles and in your car.
    • Materials such as chrome are not affected by this product.
    • Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
    • Not toxic for pets, for example when they lick the treated areas.
    • Very economical to use.


    You can spray the areas with the spray bottle. After that, you don't need to do anything. You can also add some of the liquid to your mopping water.

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