
Contraceptive pill for your cat

Written by Tommy |

We’re often asked whether we sell the contraceptive pill for cats. However, this medication is only available through your vet. Unfortunately, the contraceptive pill for cats isn’t completely free of risks. In this article, we’ll discuss the contraceptive pill for cats and the associated risks.

What is the contraceptive pill for cats?

The contraceptive pill is a medication that prevents your cat from going into heat. The pill contains a megestrol acetate, a hormone similar to progesterone. This hormone inhibits the release of reproductive hormones from the brain, preventing cats from going into heat.

What are the risks?

Using the contraceptive pill carries risks for your cat. It’s a medication with significant side effects and spaying is almost always recommended to prevent your cat from going into heat. The contraceptive pill is mostly for short-term use when a litter is planned in the near future. Because it can also affect the function of the ovaries and the uterus itself, its use can lead to reduced fertility.

If you choose to give your cat the contraceptive pill, you should be aware of the possible side effects:

  • Cysts on the ovaries
  • Diabetes
  • Uterine inflammation
  • Uterine tumours
  • Breast cancer
  • Dolly Parton syndrome (benign swelling of the mammary glands)

All of these conditions can have a serious impact on your cat’s health and require treatment (in addition to stopping the contraceptive pill).

What’s an alternative to the contraceptive pill for cats?

If you want to prevent your cat from going into the heat, spaying is the best option. This way, your cat won’t have an unwanted litter and won’t be bothered by hormones.

Is sterilisation not an option because you want a litter at some point in the future? The most common advice is to just let your cat go into heat until then and prevent male cats from going near your female cat. Is your cat’s heat really bothering her? Giving a supportive supplement like Puur Hormone Balance may help.

Do you have any questions about the contraceptive pill for cats, heat or spaying? Contact us at [email protected].