
Dogs with Allergies

Like humans, some dogs have an allergy. There are four different types of allergies in dogs: a flea allergy, a food allergy, the rare contact allergy, and atopy.

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Atopy is an allergic reaction to substances in the environment such as pollen, flakes, and dust mites. For dogs with an allergy, Vetsend has an extensive range of products.

Unpleasant Itching

Unpleasant itching and burning spots can be an annoying result of an allergic reaction. Vetsend offers an extensive range of products such as sprays and shampoos that help alleviate itching and hot spots.

Environmental Reaction

Dogs and humans can suffer from an allergic reaction to substances in the environment. This includes tree pollens, skin flakes, or dust mites. With an environmental spray, you can reduce the allergens that cause this reaction. For dogs with an allergy, there is the Vetbed Gold. This hygienic bed is equipped with Permafresh Fibre, a material that actively targets the food source of, among others, dust mites.


Dogs with an allergy to fleas may experience a red and sensitive skin. To protect your dog from fleas, you can check the flea and tick page. Additionally, offers products that, due to their soothing effects, are suitable for sensitive skin.

Food Allergy

Some dogs may react sensitively to ingredients in dry or wet food. Especially for dogs with a food allergy, Vetsend offers various hypoallergenic foods in its range for a food allergy or intolerance. For this special food for dogs with a food allergy, check the dietary food section.