
Bladder, Kidney, Liver & Heart Problems in Dogs

Common bladder problems in dogs include cystitis and bladder stones. Older, sterilised females often suffer from incontinence. Bladder problems can be recognised when the dog suffers from painful urination, unintentional loss of urine, indoor urination or blood in the urine. To determine the type of bladder problem, a check up or urine test can be done. In some cases it might be necessary to schedule an ultrasound or a bacterial culture.

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Kidney Problems in Dogs

Kidney problems are particularly common in older dogs and can lead to chronic or acute renal failure. This can happen when the kidneys are unable to (fully) filter toxins out of the bloodstream, which build up rapidly. Kidney problems can be recognised by sudden weight loss, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and damage to the oral mucosa. Generally, kidney problems only become noticeable once 70% of the total renal function has been lost. Chronic renal failure entails that damaged tissue cannot be repaired and treatment plans aim to conserve the remaining functional tissue. Examples of these treatment plans include changing the dog’s diet or adding nutritional supplements.

Cardiac Problems in Dogs

More than ten percent of all dogs suffer from heart disease at a certain point in time, ranging from imperfect closure of the heart valve to ineffective blood pumping as a result of a cardiac muscle condition. In some cases, a heart murmur can be discovered by accident during a routine check up, even if there are no other visible symptoms. In other cases, symptoms such as weight loss, coughing, drowsiness or fainting can indicate that your dog is suffering from cardiac problems. Depending on the specific type of cardiac problem, your vet will be able to create a treatment plan. Using the right medication and support makes it possible for your dog to live comfortably.

Liver Disorders in Dogs

Liver disorders are quite common in dogs and can have dire consequences. The liver is a multifunctional organ that balances hormones, controls metabolism and removes toxins. There are a wide variety of symptoms that can indicate that your dog is suffering from liver problems, including loss of appetite, changes in drinking patterns, weight loss, low stamina and jaundice.