
Eye Care for Dogs

There are many differences between our eyesight and our dog’s eyesight, for example, dogs tend to see little difference in red and green hues, have better vision in the dark and a much larger field of vision. The latter depends mainly upon the breed of dog and their anatomical differences, an example includes the Greyhound, who has a much larger field of vision than an English Bulldog, for example.

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Unfortunately, eye infections are very common in dogs. A healthy eye is clean, clear and free of any debris. If there are any ocular issues or inconsistencies, it is recommended to consult your veterinarian right away. The consequences of an erroneous or late treatment could be dire. Here, you can find a few examples of common eye conditions and infections.

Cataracts and Glaucoma

A cataract is the clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye and is usually painless but diminishes eyesight that can eventually lead to blindness. It is hard to notice the loss of eyesight in your dog inside the house, unless furniture is rearranged. It becomes a lot more noticeable outside as the dog is not as familiar with these surroundings and bump into objects. A cataract is most commonly caused by ageing, but diabetes can also be a factor. To slow down the progression of the cataract, VT Phak Syrup can be given or you can opt for a surgery to improve your dog’s eyesight. Glaucoma, on the other hand, is very painful and leads to high pressure in the eyeball causing a sudden haze to spread across the eye. Due to the elevated pressure, the dog experiences a lot of pain and the eyeball can be damaged easily. Immediate intervention is the best course of action!

Entropion and Ectropion

Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid turns towards the eye, causing eyelashes to rub against the cornea (front of the eye) and irritating it. Ectropion is a condition in which the eyelid turns outwards, leaving the inner eyelid surface exposed. Ectropion is particularly common in bloodhounds and Molosser breeds. Both entropion and ectropion are hereditary but the eyelids in both cases can be repaired by surgery.


Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is one of the most common eye infections and is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The eye becomes red, irritated and may have a discharge. This affects dogs and causes them to squeeze the eye shut or rub their paw across their face.

Insufficient Tears

Insufficient lacrimal fluid, or tears, can be very irritating for a dog and could pose a threat to their eyes as it makes them particularly susceptible to infection. A Schirmer Tear Test can be used for diagnosis by measuring the amount of fluid. If your dog suffers from this, you can give them eye drops so that their eyes do not dry out completely or give them medication that will stimulate the production of lacrimal fluid. If the eyes lack tears for an extended period, the cornea may become damaged.

Treatment and Prevention

Ophta Clean Eye cleanser can be used preventively for the care of your dog’s eyes and to ensure that they stay clean, for example, after a walk on the beach. By using eye cleansers and cleaning the surrounding area on a regular basis, you lower the chance of dirt or debris entering the eye and causing an infection. If your dog has any of the aforementioned symptoms, eye cleansers will not work and you should contact your veterinarian right away to ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Beaphar Animal Wipes for Eyes & Ears are dog wipes, and can be very useful when trying to clean the surrounding areas of your dog’s eye.

Antibiotic or Cyclosporine Eye Drops

Antibiotic or cyclosporine eye drops for dogs are used for various eye conditions but should only be administered with a prescription from a vet who has examined the dog. Antibiotic eye drops are prescribed for bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis or corneal ulcers. Cyclosporine eye drops are used for keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS, dry eye) and certain immune-mediated eye diseases, as they help stimulate tear production and reduce inflammation.

Because eye conditions can have many different causes, and improper use can worsen the situation, these medications are only available by prescription. The vet will first determine the underlying cause to ensure the correct treatment is given. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain antibiotic or cyclosporine eye drops from anywhere other than your own vet.