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Do’s and dont’s with Halloween

Scaring your pet on Halloween can undoubtedly produce fun footage, but it can also cause unnecessary stress and tension for your dog or cat. Instead, opt for an activity that your pet also enjoys, such as a nice walk in the woods! Especially for you, we have listed all the good and not-so-good ideas for this Halloween:

dog halloween

Entirely in style


It is incredibly tempting to put on your pet a cute and especially scary costume on Halloween. While this is of course very cute in most cases, it is still a very bad idea. This is because such a costume is in most cases very uncomfortable, which can make your little friend stressed and anxious. In addition, clothes made of synthetic fabrics can become much too warm for your four-legged friend.


Would you still like to take that scary Halloween photo of your pet? Then consider a creepy toy, such as this bloody knife from P.L.A.Y. Pet. Very fun for dog and owner alike!

We’re going out!


Halloween parties and parades are becoming increasingly popular. It may seem fun to take your dog here, but you probably won’t do him any favours. Crowds and crazy outfits can cause stress and tension in your pet. After all, his job is to protect you and surrounded by people in crazy costumes, it can seem like danger is everywhere. So in situations like this, it is better to leave your four-legged friend at home, or provide a nice familiar place where he can retreat.


Take a nice evening walk with your pet. Let him romp in a play forest or in a dog play area, for example. Make sure you and your dog are always clearly visible in the dark. You can do this with a luminous collar, for example, or with an LED light on your leash or on your bag.

Trick or treat


‘Trick or treat’ is the well-known tradition at Halloween where children go door-to-door dressed up for sweets. With any luck, they come home with a bucket full of goodies. While a sweet or biscuit every now and then doesn’t do much harm to the kids, it is very unhealthy for our four-legged friends. So definitely don’t give your dog a share of the loot collected!


So human food is not a good idea for your pet, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like something tasty! At Vetsend, we have a wide range of delicious biscuits and snacks for your dog or cat. Got time to spare? Then why not bake these autumnal pumpkin cupcakes with your pet!