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    Equi-ATP powder by Equipharma is an apple flavoured food supplement. It increases energy and promotes flexible muscles in horses. The supplement contains important vitamins which give the horse an energy boost and maintain its overall health. In addition, Equi-ATP contains horse chestnut extract, which aids circulation in the muscles. This will prevent muscle cramps and help them heal efficiently. The supplement also contains D-ribose, a simple sugar that naturally occurs in every living cell. D-Ribose can be particularly useful after training or after strenuous exercise.

      Equi-ATP is an ideal supplement in preparing a horse for a race or heavy physical exertion, as it:
    • Gives more energy to the muscles.
    • Improves performance and endurance.
    • Supports circulation in tired legs.
    • Speeds up recovery after a race.
    • Supports stiff muscles.


    Give 22 grams of powder (= 2 scoops) of the supplement per day for 4 days before, and 3 days after the competition, or as required.


    D-Ribose, Rowan, Wild Chestnut, Vitamin B: 1 through 3, 6 and 12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin PP and Calcium D-pantothenate.

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