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Product Description
Superficial pyoderma:
Virbac Etiderm is a foaming shampoo with antiseptic and keratoplastic properties for the treatment of superficial pyoderma. The efficacy of ethyl lactate is based on the pharmacological properties of ethanol and lactic acid. When ethyl lactate is placed on the skin, due to its high solubility in fat, it is hydrolysed into lactic acid and ethanol in the hair follicles.
Function of each component:
- Ethanol has a bactericidal effect against a number of aerobic bacteria. It is an extremely good solvent for fats, so the secretion of fat is reduced.
- Lactic acid lowers the acidity (pH) of the skin, and therefore the efficacy of bacterial lipases (which decompose sebum) is inhibited. Moreover, lactic acid exhibits a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect compared to some anaerobic bacteria.
Recommended for:
Antiseptic shampoo for dogs with conditions such as:
- Pyotraumatic dermatitis
- Skinfold dermatitis
- Impetigo
- Folliculitis
- Chronic papulopustular pyoderma
- Local seborrhoea treatment