
Groene Os Rest Compositum for Cats & Dogs

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    Groene Os Rest Compositum

    Groene Os Rest Compositum consists of various vitamins, minerals and herbs that have a soothing and relaxing effect. Rest Compositum is used for, among other things, anxiety, stress, tension, fear and nervousness, in both chronic and acute situations. It can also be used for irritation of the nerves. Groene Os Rest Compositum Extra has a positive effect on both body and mind.

    Ingredients (food supplement)

    Magnesium citrate, L-tryptophan, niacinamide, pyridoxine HCL, Mentha piperita, Humulus lupulus, Crataegus oxyacantha, Melissa officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Zincum picolinatum, Ginkgo biloba, Inositol.

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