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KONG Cat Puzzlements Pockets
The KONG Cat Puzzlements Pockets is a mat specially developed for cats. Cats are curious animals that need stimulation. It is important to maintain a cat's natural hunting instinct as it is an outlet of energy for a cat. A cat that doesn't get enough stimulation becomes more irritable and aggressive because it looks for other ways to hunt and play. The mat is designed to keep your cat entertained for hours. The mat has no less than 9 pockets where you can hide toys or treats in. Your cat is immediately rewarded as soon as he has discovered a treat. The pockets are not the only feature that makes this mat so nice. The mat itself also has enough ways to stimulate the senses. It has woolen balls, makes crackling sounds when touching and comes with little mice that are filled with catnip.
- Stimulates the senses through taste, sound and touch
- Stimulates a cat's curiosity
- Provided with 9 different bags
- Easy to store
69 x 41 cm
Blue and red