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Dog Muzzles

At times it is necessary to put a muzzle on your dog. For example, if your dog is likely to bite during a visit to the vet out of fear. A muzzle can also be used if a dog is aggressive towards other dogs or if, for example, the dog is not allowed to lick on a wound.

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It is recommended to use a sturdy but flexible muzzle for your dog. Dog muzzles with adjustable straps that can be ordered online are Baskerville Ultra Muzzle and Trixie Muzzle Flex. The Baskerville Ultra Muzzle allows your dog to drink, chew and pant, as it does not shut the mouth entirely. These advantages also apply for the Trixie Flex Muzzle, as this dog muzzle provides security and comfort thanks to its ergonomic fit.

Dog with muzzle