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Product Description
Contains Dimeticone to coat fleas, eggs, larvae and pupae and to prevent their development. The coating action is highly effective, therefore Sectolin Flea & Mite can also be used to combat fleas that are resistant to conventional pesticides.
Key features:
- Immediately stops adult fleas jumping.
- Works for up to 14 weeks through all stages of the flea life cycle.
- Free from pesticides.
- Safe for humans and pets.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Odourless, colourless and allergen-free.
Use the environment spray in places that your pet comes into contact with such as carpets, sofas etc. Fleas particularly like to hide in nooks and crannies. One can is enough for approx. 50 m².
Use Sectolin Flea & Mite Environment Spray in combination with another agent for your dog or cat. Together, they will ensure a prolonged flea-free period.