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  • Product Description


    Sputolysin is an expectorant and diluting veterinary medicine for horses.

    Recommended for

    This food supplement helps support and treat breathing difficulties and respiratory infections where increased mucous is present.

    Acute respiratory problems

    Acute respiratory problems are usually caused by a viral infection. There are many symptoms, including abnormal mucous production; nasal discharge; coughing and an increased temperature. Viral infections are contagious and transfer quickly from horse to horse, with young horses being especially susceptible. Also, in the case of bacterial infections, a thick, pus-like mucous will occur.

    When should you use Sputolysin?

  • Airway problems caused by increased mucous production.
  • Bacterial infections, together with appropriate antibiotics.
  • Respiratory tract infections in foals after weaning.
  • Infections of the upper respiratory system.
  • Chronic respiratory problems with mucous.
  • How it works:

    When using Sputolysin on your horse, you may notice that the nose runs more, with their cough changing between dry and moist, which will eventually reduce it. This is a normal and positive response. More information can be found in the packaging leaflet of this product. No prescription is required for this product. Sputolysin will test as positive in doping tests for at least a week.

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