The top 10 most popular dog names
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Getting a new pet always involves one important question: what will we name him or her? The names we choose for our dogs often reflect the things that matter most to us, from our passions and interests to what's happening in the world around us. Or maybe you are just looking for a funny or silly name. Anything is possible! Have you recently adopted or are planning to adopt a dog? Are you looking for inspiration? We've put together a few lists that might help you choose a suitable name.

The 10 Most Popular Female Dog Names:
- Luna
- Nala
- Bella
- Lucy
- Emma
- Lola
- Mila
- Lily
- Molly
- Stella
The 10 Most Popular Male Dog Names:
- Cooper
- Balu
- Charlie
- Max
- Buddy
- Lucky
- Rocky
- Leo
- Bruno
- Teddy
Basic tips when choosing a name
Of course, it’s very tempting to choose a particularly fancy or long name – but it’s also important to see how the name works as a given name and how it can be shortened. You will use this name several times a day and might need to shout it very loudly through the neighborhood. Names that are too long or difficult to pronounce can quickly become confusing. The given name should be short, concise and easy to pronounce – 2 syllables are ideal. If there are multiple dogs, their names should not end in the same vowel. This makes the names too similar and will also confuses the dogs. It is also important to remember that the name is not too similar to a basic command such as “sit” or “down”.
Either way, the most important thing is that the name feels right, because every dog has its own unique personaily and deserves the perfect name!