
Trixie Milk Replacement

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  • Product Description

    Trixie Milk Replacement

    Trixie Milk Replacement is a pet food supplement specifically for kittens. With this milk powder, you can easily prepare a meal for your small kitten.


    Mix 1 part milk with 3 parts lukewarm water (30 degrees maximum). You can give this every 2 to 4 hours up to and including the second week of life. From three weeks old, the powder can be given every 4 to 6 hours until a saturated feeling is reached. When your kitten is four weeks old, you can mix the milk powder with kitten food. The milk should always be prepared fresh for every meal.


    250 grams


    Milk and milk products, vegetable byproducts, oils and fats, dextrose, di-calcium phosphate.

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