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  • Product Description

    Low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalaemia) are common among cats with chronic kidney disease, liver disease or chronic gastrointestinal disorder. A serious shortage of potassium in the blood may be manifested in: decreased appetite, lethargy, general fatigue, muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.


    Tumil-K is a food supplement for cats with chronic renal failure or other conditions which can result in cats having low potassium levels in their blood. This food supplement is a potassium-containing product in powder form. Tumil-K is made with tasty protein and will therefore more easily be tolerated by cats.

    Tumil-K is recommended for

    A potassium deficiency in the blood, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, lack of appetite, anaemia, poor body condition, metabolic acidosis, increased blood pressure.


    Twice a day: 1/4 teaspoon of powder (0.65 grams) per 4 1/2 kg of body weight, mixed into the cat's food. The recommended period of use is up to 6 months. You may change the treatment duration in consultation with your veterinarian.


    Tumil-K contains 468 mg of potassium gluconate per 0.65 grams of powder (Potassium Gluconate 2mEQ).

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