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What do you need to know about your cat’s teeth?

Written by Samantha |

A kitten is born without teeth. The milk teeth come through at a later stage and the cat changes to adult teeth. Read more about cat teeth here!


A kitten’s teeth

A kitten is born without teeth, just like people and puppies. From about 3 weeks of age, the milk teeth come through. It finally consists of 26 teeth.

The primary teeth are used to start eating solid food. The teeth also have a function in social contact and play and to defend themselves when in danger. A kitten must therefore learn how to use its teeth and also what its bite force is.

When will a kitten switch teeth?

A kitten starts to change from about 4 months of age. The entire primary dentition is often changed around the age of 6 months. The incisors change first. Then the molars and the canines follow.

Cat teeth
Element Milk teeth coming through    Change to adult teeth
Incisors Between 3-4 weeks of age 3-5 months of age
Canines Between 3-4 weeks of age 5-7 months of age
Premolars Between 4-12 weeks of age 4-6 months of age
Molars 4-7 months of age

The teeth of an adult cat

A cat’s adult teeth are made up of 30 elements:

  • 12 incisors, of which 6 in the lower jaw and 6 in the upper jaw
  • 4 canines
  • 10 premolars, of which 6 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw
  • 4 molars, of which 2 in the upper jaw and 2 in the lower jaw

The function of your cat’s teeth

Cats are carnivores, so they eat meat. The teeth and molars of cats are sharp and, together with their sharp claws, can ensure that they can catch and tear up prey. The canines play a role in catching prey, while the molars play a role in tearing.

Are cat teeth the same as dog teeth?

A cat is not a small dog. A cat’s teeth are therefore also different from a dog’s teeth. Cats have fewer molars than dogs, but a cat’s canines and molars are sharper. Dogs often have more bite force, because they mainly use their mouth when catching prey.

How do you take care of your cat’s teeth?

Brushing the teeth is the best way to take care of your cat’s teeth. However, dental problems are unfortunately common in cats. Getting your cat used to dental care from an early age can prevent many problems later in life. This is the best way to take care of your cat’s teeth. If this doesn’t work, there are supplements and special foods to help you. Read more about this in our article about National Pet Dental Health Month.

Do you have any questions about your cat’s teeth? Please contact