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What is catnip?

Written by Rianne |

Catnip is a herb. It originated in Europe, but you can find it everywhere in the world today. It’s used in homoeopathic products for humans, but it’s currently more known for its properties in cat toys and sprays.

cat playing

What is catnip and how does it affect cats?

What exactly is catnip? Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is well known for its stimulating effect on many cats. Catnip contains many essential oils, like nepetalactone. This oil can have a euphoric and almost hallucinating effect. The substances work on the cells in the body that are found in the back of the cat’s nose. This is why the herb must be inhaled to show its effect. Sometimes, cats raise their lips when they smell the herb, making it look like they are smiling. It enhances the ability to perceive smells and odours.

The following behavioural properties can be observed when your cat has inhaled catnip:

  • ‘Smiling’ cat
  • Raising lips
  • Rubbing its head on the herb
  • Licking the herb
  • Rolling
  • Rolling through the herb
  • Meowing
  • Behaviour shown similar to sexual arousal

The symptoms will disappear after a couple of minutes. Your cat will not be sensitive to the herb for a few hours after this. Catnip isn’t addictive, but it can make your cat grumpy or sick if it uses it too much.

Is every cat sensitive to the effect of catnip?

Not all cats respond the same to catnip. Many cats experience a euphoric, stress-relieving feeling. However, some cats might respond aggressively, and some might not respond at all. The sensitivity to catnip is hereditary. For example, this behaviour will only occur if your cat inherits the dominant hereditary information from 1 or 2 parents. Kittens also do not show the typical effect of catnip, the sensitivity only develops at an age of 6 to 8 weeks and is only fully developed around the 12th week.

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Use of catnip

Catnip is mostly used in toys. You can make the toys more interesting by adding catnip. Some cats might find It even more interesting than treats.

You can use catnip to:

  • Enhance the fun while playing
  • To relax your cat when it’s stressed
  • As a tool to lure your cat out of its hiding spot
  • To make a new scratching post, house or toy more attractive

Kinds of catnip

Catnip is available in different variants:

You can find more catnip products in our catnip category.