Why is my dog loosing its hair?
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Shedding is a natural process in dogs. Your dog will have a moulting period twice a year. This has to do with the changing of summer and winter. In a normal moult, your dog loses a lot of hair, but no bald spots will appear. If this is the case, then your dog probably has a condition.

Everything for the coat care of your dog
But my dog ​​sheds all year round, how is that possible?
How long is your dog outside on average? Most dogs live indoors for most of the day. They are only outside for a few hours a day when we walk with them. Your dog actually gets much less of the temperature differences that normally cause the spring or autumn moult. This disrupts the natural process, causing some hair to come loose throughout the year. When outside, your dog will get to know that something has changed in terms of temperature. That is why you often see a peak in the amount of loose hair on the ground twice a year.
How do I help my dog ​​with his coat care?
Brushing! Brushing regularly with a suitable brush ensures that you comb the loose hairs out of the coat before they flutter onto your floor. A comb such as the Trixie Metal Comb is suitable for detecting tangles, which are especially common in long-haired dogs. The Mikki Bamboo slicker brush is a good example of an all-round brush to brush loose hairs from the coat without damaging the rest of the coat. An additional advantage is that the wooden handle prevents the build-up of static electricity!
Does your dog continue to shed a lot or do you find it difficult to brush out the loose hair yourself? Then contact a qualified groomer. They can loosen the hair with a special shampoo after which they can be blown out during blow-drying.
How can I improve my dog’s coat quality?
The moulting period can have a significant impact on the overall coat quality of your dog. Taking care of and maintaining healthy skin and coat is hard work. The growing of hairs continues indefinitely. In periods of excessive coat loss, such as the moulting period, it can be nice to give your dog a boost with a supplement that helps to get the coat in great condition again. Examples of products are the Doils Skin, Dermazyme Zinc and the Dermoscent Keravita.
View our full range of grooming products here.
Do you have any questions about grooming your dog? Please contact [email protected]