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Product Description
Zylkène Chews
Zylkène is a 100% natural food supplement that helps pets deal with exciting situations. It contains alpha-casozepine. This milk protein ensures a relaxed feeling, without dozing your dog or cat. Just like puppies and kittens that are relaxed when they just drank from their mother. With the help of Zylkène your pet can more peacefully adjust to new situations. It can also be provided to puppies and kittens to help them get used to new things. These chew kibble are for instance suitable with fear of fireworks, if your dog or cat hides, pees in the house, scratches furniture, mews or cries a lot, barks a lot, is restless, drools or licks too much.
Zylkène is also available as capsule with a tasty powder.
Key features
- 100% natural supplement
- Tasty chew kibble, can be given as a treat
- Relaxes your dog or cat without dozing
- Teaches your pet to deal with exciting situations
- Widely applicable
Zylkène Chews use
Zylkène Chews can be used in many situations, such as moving house, kennel, thunderstorms, being home alone, new people or animals, weaning, lactation, travel, fireworks or any time your pet's routine changes.
The kibble can be give directly into the mouth or be mixed with the food. Store the chews in a well-closed bag, below 25 degrees Celsius. Zylkène Chews can be provided for short-term and long-term situations.
Zylkène Chews dosage
- Short term use: begin giving Zylkène 1 or 2 days before the predicted exciting situation. If your dog or cat is already off-balance, it is better to give Zylkène 5 to 7 days in advance.
- Long-term use: give Zylkène daily for 1 month and then evaluate the effect. For long-term exciting situations it is recommended to contact a veterinarian or behavioural therapist.
Recommended dosage Zylkène Chews 75mg (cat & small dog) Weight Number < 5kg 1 tablet a day 5 - 10kg 2 tablets a day Recommended dosage Zylkène Chews 225mg (medium-size dog) Weight Number 10 - 15kg 1 tablet a day 15 - 30kg 2 tablets a day Recommended dosage Zylkène chews 450mg (large dog) Weight Number 15 - 30kg 1 tablet a day 30 - 60kg 2 tablets a day How do you recognize anxiety or stress in your dog or cat?
Dogs and cats often show stress and anxiety through subtle changes in their behavior. If you notice any of the signs below, it could mean that your pet is feeling uncomfortable. If a medical cause has been ruled out, you can support your pet with Zylkene for more relaxation.
- Dogs: excessive panting, trembling, drooling, whining, barking, smacking, withdrawing or licking themselves a lot. They may also exhibit destructive behavior, such as chewing furniture or breaking things.
- Cats: hiding, hissing, growling, sudden aggression, frequent licking, not going to the litter box or licking themselves bald spots.
Suitable for
Zylkène Chews are suitable for dogs and cats.
14 tablets
Pregelatinised cornflour, glycerine, cellulose powder, yeast extracts, casein (trypsine hydrolysed beef casein), acetic acid esters from mono and di-glycerides from fatty acids that originate from soy oil, soy oil, sunflower oil.
Zylkène Chews reviews
1 - 1 of 1 Reviews
By author, 20-15-2021Answer from Medpets
By PKL, Tuesday 25 December 2018