Fertility in Dogs
Similar to humans, sex hormones play a significant role in the development of a puppy into an adult female or male. Just like humans, a dog also goes through adolescence with all the accompanying hormonal changes.
Similar to humans, sex hormones play a significant role in the development of a puppy into an adult female or male. Just like humans, a dog also goes through adolescence with all the accompanying hormonal changes.
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The adolescent female dog may experience her first heat, and an adolescent male dog may struggle to control his hormones. Pregnant females experiencing false pregnancy may also exhibit different behaviors. Animals normally have a regular cycle, but this cycle can deviate and cause discomfort. Here are some deviations:
There are various supplements that can provide support in regulating hormonal balance, such as Phytonics HormOne and Puur Hormone Balance.
Heat is the fertile period of the female dog. On average, a dog is first in heat around 8 months of age, with smaller breeds often experiencing heat earlier than larger breeds. On average, a female dog goes into heat twice a year. During this time, dogs are only fertile for a couple of days. Should your dog experience any discomfort during their period of heat, you can try giving them Puur Utero. This nutritional supplement helps normalise the gonadal function, but can also be used to offer support after birthing or in the case of weak contractions. The heat lasts for 21 days and consists of 4 phases.
The pregnancy of a female dog lasts an average of 63 days. The duration varies and depends on the number of puppies. The more pups, the shorter the pregnancy. Sometimes assistance is needed during and after delivery, for example, in case of weak contractions or for cleaning the uterus. Puur Utero supports a clean uterus after birth and can be used in case of weak contractions.
False pregnancy is the behavior that non-pregnant females may exhibit from the heat. The dog starts showing characteristics of a nursing female. In animals that are fertilized, the progesterone level begins to rise from that period. The same happens in unfertilized false pregnant females. Many false pregnant females exhibit different behaviors, such as withdrawal, snappiness, decreased appetite, increased affection, and milk loss. There are supplements that can provide support during this period, such as Puur Pseudo Pregnancy.
The sexual drive of the male dog increases during puberty. This can lead to mounting behavior, irritability, spraying, and restlessness. Various supplements provide support for bothersome sexual drive in males, such as Puur Hormone Balance.
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