Flea and Tick Treatments
Almost all dogs and cats suffer from fleas from time to time. Fleas are small, black parasites that live in the cat’s fur. Fleas can multiply extremely quickly and lay hundreds of eggs in the fur.
Almost all dogs and cats suffer from fleas from time to time. Fleas are small, black parasites that live in the cat’s fur. Fleas can multiply extremely quickly and lay hundreds of eggs in the fur.
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There are several characteristics that indicate flea infestation. If your dog or cat suffers from fleas, it will scratch its fur much more than usual. As a result, the cat or dog will also suffer more hair loss. Sometimes an infected pet will also have bald patches and scabs due to frequent scratching/biting. To check if your pet has fleas, it is best to use a flea comb for dogs or a flea comb for cats. By the way, did you know that 95% of the flea population is in the environment and only 5% of fleas are actually present on the animal? To treat the environment, various flea sprays for dogs or flea sprays for cats are also available. If you are looking for a complete overview of all flea and tick protection specifically for your pet, also check out the special flea and tick treatments for dogs and flea and tick treatments for cats pages.
Do you also want such a handy flea and tick guide to go into the flea and tick season prepared? Download the flea & tick guide now!
There are several ways to protect your dog or cat from fleas. Below are the methods to protect your pet:
Ticks can cause a lot of inconvenience and all kinds of health problems. A tick can carry diseases that can be transmitted to your animal. The best-known diseases are Lyme disease, Anaplasma, Babesia and Ehrlichia. Good prevention and quick action in case of problems is therefore essential for an animal’s health. It is therefore important to regularly check your animal for the presence of ticks. Especially after a nice walk in the woods, it is important to check your animal. There are several products available against ticks. Many are combination products that work against both ticks and fleas. With many products, however, ticks will have to bite before they are killed.
Check your pet daily for ticks, especially after a walk in the woods. It is important to remove the tick within 24 hours of it biting, before disease transmission can take place. Removing a tick can be done using a tick card or tick forceps. At Vetsend, you will find several tick removal tools. You have to make sure you pick up the tick as close to the skin as possible. Then you can carefully remove the tick. Try not to crush the body of the tick.
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